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I started a stamped cross stitch for my grand daughter's wedding in May 2024. I lost interest in this project and am unable to finish it. I am looking for someone who would be interested in finishing this for me. Please let me know if you can help. Thanks -- Donna from Butler, PA
- Tell me about it.... -- Pauline from Barnegat, NJ -- Nov 15
- is called Two Hearts One Love. Stamped cross stitch kit with pre sorted thread, printed fabric, carbon paper, needle and instructions, 11" x14". Design by Navin Capecci. I only did a small area and decided this is not something I want to do. Please advise as to what you would charge if you are interested. Thank you. Donna -- Donna from Butler PA -- Nov 15
- Can you email a picture of it? How large is the piece? -- Pauline from -- Nov 15
- Sorry, I am no longer interested..Thanks anyway. Good luck to you. -- Pauline from -- Nov 16
- Hi I am an avid cross stitcher with over 35 years experience stitching model and commission pieces for companies and individuals. I am very interested in stitching this for you could you please send me a picture so I can give you an adequate price. Namaste Kyla -- Kyla from Chartley, MA usa -- Dec 14
- I've done a lot of professional stitching and could finish this for you. Message me with info for a quote -- Twila Fickel from Utica -- Dec 16
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